2011年2月13日 星期日

Tree Studio-Climbing drawing kits

What an unforgetable memory in Design for Leisure with Eva Tam and Chinny Wong! Here is the website in swf format! Enjoy~

2011年2月12日 星期六

Lighting design summer workshop 2008

Peel off the skin of banana , surprise?

Advance version of peeling light~

Sending good breathe to your beloved!

Pop-up cone incense holder

To remind your beloved friends to take a good rest in their busy life.
Giving them incense and incense holder as a greeting card!

2011年2月8日 星期二

Wedding banquet souvenir favors-Welcome to our big day!

Valentine's day is coming. This reminds me a set of wedding souvenir I have created in my final project in HKCC. I have designed 11 sets of fun,innovative and symbolic souvenir. They express the feeling of love combining with western and chinese tradition. In one day, I would like to make them into real market.

2011年2月1日 星期二

I really love pet!!!! Happy to do this pet bathing project :D

Thank Dr Jane McNae for information of dog caring

Thank Mr. Sunny Tang for information of dog training

To encourage pets to enjoy the activities rather than forcing them to stay, we create two different spacial environments for human and pets in one restricted area.

Thank my partner-Alexis Law :)

2011年1月29日 星期六

Tell me another... {dead people lattern earings

We need not to be scared ; need not to worry ;

We need not to be superstitious ; need not to ward off evils ;

I don't believe in superstition.

Tell me another.

I believe in myself.

( my first customer :D)

2011年1月23日 星期日

Treat the animal badly make you learn how to treat the earth kindly

Wicked eco kits for tweens

How bad can you be? Why are you being a good person?

YMCA DIY Book Festival 08/09
Title: Bad Book
There are too many constraints in the reality. People are even implanted to behave as good people. To do good things, accept others' opinion, take care people,etc. Isn't it too harsh to yourself? In Bad Book, the characters no need to live in that kind of standard. Can we say they are bad? Could it be said that doing things we want to do and love ourselves more are incorrect?!
Link to the campaign

Can you see the beauty?

material: charcoal, fiber