SM's design thinking

I am Smallming Law who is an after 80’s Hong Kong people.

After 80’s people like me have better living than the prior generation. Before falling in love with design, my life was not too exciting and memorable. The spark suddenly appeared in the year which I was in F.5. I noticed that there is a job called “Product Designer” in Hong Kong. In that time, I thought it should be a great and interesting work that I may invent something. I got this ambition while at the same time most of my classmates and friends don’t know what they want to do in the future. Afterwards, I started collecting things about product design from the newspaper and keep watching the latest information. Although I got no support from my secondary school, I tried very hard on my own. I have participated in a product design competition held by Bauhinia Junior Chamber. This was an important experience for me. I brainstormed an idea, tried to develop and worked it out. The first design presentation was held in front of the official staffs and directors when I was 16 years old. It should make me so nervous and scared but quaintly I was not. I was so excited to talk about my idea! The feeling of fulfillment I have never had when I saw the people who were listening nodded their heads. At that time, I knew that I have selected the right way I love. I was glad that I gained the third prize of it. This was the very first encouragement in my design life. Later on, I got chance of interview from school of design in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University after A-level. Unfortunately, I failed. It is not easy for a JUPAS student showing their talent in a short interview with their own personal work. I knew that I had not yet prepared well so that it was difficult to complete with the Non-JUPAS students with rich portfolio. I asked myself “What do you want? Give up? Or work hard and fight for it?” Definitely, I have chosen the latter.

I studied two years in associate degree, it has opened my mind. I would like to express my thanks to my tutor, Remi. He has not only inspired me a lot about the course work but also given me so much support and appreciation. Having identification is so important for me. The time with him is not easy as he is a demanding tutor. But when I look back now, it was still enjoyable that I worked overnight with my classmates and tried our best to do the creation. I am pleased that I have been selected in the Director’s list and gained a scholarship for outstanding student. Yet, having a good result may not ensure that I can enter the school of design which is my goal. In that period, I was so stressed. That was the most difficult time in my life up to now. Every morning after opening my eyes, started a day with thinking idea and portfolio in my mind. I would like to say sorry to my friends and family that I can spend no time with them at that time. But the word bear in mind is “Fighting”. I should fight for myself. Even if my family hasn’t complained about spending so much money in my study, I have to fight for my dream. Finally, I can now be a BA Industrial and Product design student in school of design.

My dream seems has been fulfilled. But I know that I have to work even harder than the past if I want to be a successful product designer. There still have long way to go. One year later, I will be preparing my final year project and the annual show. I hope that it would be fantastic and I must put my every effort on it!

In my deep heart, the passion of design has grown bigger and bigger. I can say that there is no any other thing which is able to substitute the fulfillment I can gain in design. Without design, I am not outstanding student anymore.


Life in HKCC 07-09 (Associate in Design)